A team of researchers from the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania
found green coffee bean extracts can help with weight-loss after they
tested the effects of the bean on a group of obese volunteers. The study
was released at the 243rd National Meeting & Exposition of the
American Chemical Society (ACS) shows promising results for those people
wishing to lose some weight. The results were impressive, participants
lost an average of 17 pounds in just 22 weeks of the study. Overall,
they had an average decrease in overall body weight of 10.5 percent, and
an average decrease in body fat of 16%.
Also Dr. Oz conducted his own private study on green coffee bean
extract and was impressed with the results.Half the group was given the
green coffee bean extract and the other half was giving a fake pill.
Nobody knew which one they having been given. The results were amazing,
the ones given the green coffee bean extract loss on average 1 lb. a
week! He views this as a winner because 1 pound a week is considered
losing weight at a very safe rate.
Seen on TV Green Coffee Bean Extract

seen on TV everywhere, Pure Green Coffee Bean Extract is being talked
about as one of the fastest fat burners. Can pure green coffee bean
extract be the answer you have been searching for? Dr. Lindsey believed
so much in green coffee bean extract being used for weight loss, that
he went on the Doctor Oz show, and explained the benefits of using pure
green coffee to help you to lose weight. Doctor Lindsey promotes the Genesis Today brand while Dr. Oz does not promote or endorse any brand of weight loss supplements. He just reports the news that is being said about them. The shows title is “Burn Fat
Faster: 5 Fastest Fat Burners”. Pure green coffee bean extract
supplements are touted at the “miracle pill to burn your fat instantly”.
It is by far the hottest weight loss supplement during the 2012-13 season.
Why not give this breakthrough supplement on try and see why Green
Coffee Bean extract can help burn fat at rapid pace.
Buyer Beware: Not All Green Coffee Extracts are the Same – Don’t Be Duped In to Buying a Low Quality Supplement

question you should be asking yourself is “What to Look for when
selecting the right green coffee bean supplements?” There are many cheap
brands being sold at ridiculously low prices. The saying “Too Good to
be True” applies in this case. They are most likely using cheap green
coffee bean extract brought in from China and deliver little if no
results as all. What you need to look for on the label of a bottle is
three things. First, it should be made from CGA (Green Coffee
Antioxidants) or Svetol brand coffee extract. Second, In order to
receive similar results obtained in the weight loss studies, you need to
be purchasing capsules that contain 400mgs each. Anything lower than
that will not give you the same results. Third, it need to contain 45%
or more of Chlorogenic Acid. Fourth, It must not contain any fillers,
artificial ingredients,or artificial colors. It should contain only
green coffee extract and NOTHING else. Sometimes we see it being used as
part of a proprietary formula leaving you guessing as to how many
milligrams are in the bottle.
To order your supply of pure green coffee bean extract pills or to learn more about green coffee, please visit our website at
www.puregreencoffeediet.com for all you needs.
The Bottom Line
If you are starting a new exercise routine, or you have recently
started to watch what you eat – or both – in an effort to lose some
weight, a green coffee extract supplement can help you. Doctor
Recommended brand of pure green coffee bean extract is a great option.
It may help you to get over that initial weight loss hump and keep you
enthusiastic about your weight loss plan.
Trust the Brand Chosen By Ten’s of Thousands of Customers

Recommended Green Bean Coffee Extract has been purchased by thousand of
customers who keep coming back for more. We hear amazing results from
our customers over the phone everyday. Why are they choosing Doctor
Recommended? Our Green Bean Coffee Extract contains only 100% Pure Green
Coffee made from Arabica coffee beans. We never use any fillers,
artificial ingredients, artificial colors, No Sugar, No Yeast, No Starch
or Preservatives. It is manufactured in a laboratory located in the USA
and is registered with the FDA. We don’t send you a free bottle and
charge you for an expensive automatic shipment next month as some
companies do. We only send you what you ordered. Our bottle come in a
convenient 60 capsule size and contain 400mgs each. This is enough
product to last you 30 days at two capsules per day.